Thursday, February 5, 2015

Project #4 C4T#1

Image of teachers at table discussing Pedagogy

Hello Mr. Edwards! My name is Santana Mullins, and I'm a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I will be summarizing my visits to your blog with a post to my blog on February 5, 2015. My blog URL is and our class blog is if you would like to check them out. First, I would like to start off by saying great post! The post really spoke to me because this pretty much sums up what my professor is teaching us about education in the 21st century. The interesting thing is I didn't necessarily always agree with your point of having technology be a major part of the classroom, but I have gradually grown to love the idea. EDM 310 is showing me that education in the 21st century is constantly changing and technology is a big reason for that. Technology has gotten students more captivated about learning. Just like students have to adapt to change in the classroom, teachers will have to learn to adapt as well.

The teacher I commented on was Mr. Daniel Edwards, and he is very passionate about learning and innovation. The first post I read about was titled Pedagogy First Technology. In this post, Mr. Edwards talked about how this is a great time to become an educator. He explains how students and teachers have so many more tools in the classroom these days in comparison to years ago. The reason for this being the rapid changes in technology. While students seem to be more encouraged and engaged in the classroom due to these changes, some teachers aren't to thrilled about these new tools and gadgets. Some teachers think these things are taking time away from their methods of teacher and are a distraction. This is where the term pedagogy comes in. Mr. Edwards believes that teachers should learn how to adapt to the new ways of learning and that pedagogy is first. What is pedagogy? Pedagogy is a premise of how best to teach. It is a very interesting post, click this link below and check it out.

Image of ipad and apps

Hello Mr. Edwards, this is Santana Mullins again from EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. Once again, another great and insightful post! This post is very informative for future educators like myself as well as present educators. Technology is being applied into so many schools now, and these are some great apps to use in the classroom. The iMovie app specifically caught my eye because I know I will be using that app for one of my EDM 310 projects. I've never used it, but I am excited to see what I will create. iTunes U is another app I believe I will be using in the future for this class. I've always wonder why that app was on my iPad and after doing a little research, I see that it is an app I will indeed be putting to use in the very near future.

In his post, titled Top 10 Apps in an Established 1:1 iPad School, Mr. Edwards detailed how iPads are used in everyday learning in schools. He listed his top ten iPad apps that are appropriate for school. He explained how these apps worked and when they could be implemented in school lessons or projects. His top ten list included apps such as Explain Everything, Socrative 1.0 and 2.0, iMovie, iTunes U, Showbie, Edmodo, Notability, Keynote, Book Creator, and Pages. I personally downloaded a few of these apps and check them out as well. Click the link below and explore these great apps and how they work. The link to this post is Enjoy!

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